getInflationRate – Solana
The getInflationRate JSON-RPC method retrieves the specific inflation values for the current epoch in the Solana blockchain.
The getInflationRate RPC Solana method provides real-time inflation data for the current epoch, including the total inflation percentage, the amount allocated to validators, and the portion allocated to the foundation.
The getInflationRate method returns the current inflation rate parameters of the Solana network. It provides information on the expected annual inflation rate, staking rewards distribution, and total token supply adjustments, helping users and validators understand the network’s monetary policy.
Supported Networks
This method is accessible through Solana API endpoints:
This method does not require any parameters.
Request Example
API Endpoints
cURL Example
A successful getInflationRate example response returns the inflation rate breakdown for the current epoch.
Example Response
Error Handling
Common getInflationRate error scenarios:
Network connectivity issues: The request fails due to API unavailability.
Node synchronization issues: If the node is out of sync, it may return outdated inflation values.
Invalid response format: An unexpected JSON structure may indicate an internal API error.
Example Error Response
Use Cases
The Solana getInflationRate method is essential for:
Validators: Monitoring expected staking rewards from inflation.
Blockchain explorers: Displaying real-time inflation data for each epoch.
Web3 applications: Adjusting economic models based on inflation distribution.
Analytics platforms: Tracking inflation trends and network sustainability.
Code Example – Web3 getInflationRate Integration
Integration with Web3
Integrate the getInflationRate API with Solana’s Core API to retrieve real-time inflation rate data dynamically. By leveraging JSON-RPC parameters and endpoints, developers can ensure accurate tracking of staking rewards, inflation changes, and the impact of network economics on the Solana ecosystem.
Last updated