getTokenAccountBalance – Solana
The getTokenAccountBalance JSON-RPC method retrieves the token balance of a specified SPL Token account.
The getTokenAccountBalance RPC Solana method provides the balance of an SPL Token account using a given Pubkey.
The response includes the raw balance, the number of decimal places, and formatted balances. This method is particularly useful in dApps, wallets, and financial applications using the Solana Core API.
Supported Networks
This method is available on the following API endpoints:
Required Parameters
string (required): The Pubkey of the Token account to query, provided as a base-58 encoded string.
Optional Parameters
object (optional): A configuration object containing:
commitment (string, optional): Defines the level of finality for the request.
The response returns an RpcResponse object containing:
context (object): Contextual information about the slot.
slot (u64): The slot number when the balance was retrieved.
value (object):
amount (string): The raw balance without decimals (string representation of u64).
decimals (u8): The number of base 10 digits to the right of the decimal point.
uiAmount (number|null): The balance with decimals applied. (Deprecated)
uiAmountString (string): The balance formatted as a string with decimals applied.
Request Example
API Endpoints
cURL Example
A successful request returns the token balance of the specified account.
Example Response
In this response:
The raw balance is 9864.
With 2 decimal places, the formatted balance is 98.64.
Error Handling
Common getTokenAccountBalance error scenarios:
Invalid Pubkey: If the provided Pubkey is incorrectly formatted.
Network errors: Connectivity issues with the Solana JSON-RPC API endpoints.
Non-existent token account: If the provided Pubkey does not correspond to a valid SPL Token account.
Example Error Response
Use Cases
The Solana getTokenAccountBalance method is useful for:
Wallet applications: Displaying users' token balances.
Web3 analytics tools: Monitoring token balances across accounts.
DeFi applications: Calculating token holdings for smart contracts.
Blockchain explorers: Displaying account balances.
Code getTokenAccountBalance Example – Web3 Integration
Integration with Web3
By integrating Web3 getTokenAccountBalance into Solana’s Core API, developers can easily query token balances, track account activity, and analyze transaction flows. This JSON-RPC method is essential for applications requiring accurate and up-to-date token balance information.
Last updated