
The eth_newPendingTransactionFilter method creates a filter in the node to notify when new pending transactions arrive.

Creates a filter in the node, to notify when new pending transactionsarrive. To check if the state has changed, call eth_getFilterChanges.

The eth_newPendingTransactionFilter method is part of the Ethereum JSON-RPC API and is used to create a filter in the node to notify when new pending transactions arrive. This method is essential for monitoring transaction activity in real time. To check for updates, the eth_getFilterChanges method can be called.

Supported Networks

The eth_newPendingTransactionFilter RPC Ethereum method works across various Ethereum network types, including:

  • Mainnet

  • Testnet: Sepolia, Holesky


This method does not require any parameters. The request can be sent with an empty parameters array.



To interact with the Ethereum eth_newPendingTransactionFilter endpoints using JSON-RPC, use the following examples

curl --location --request POST '<ACCESS-TOKEN>/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter",
    "params": [],
    "id": ""


The response contains the ID of the newly created filter, which can be used to query changes.

    "id": "",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "0x55c90c9069cac4e02c8868aa6e437dbb"

Response Description

  • result: A string containing the filter ID in hexadecimal format. This value can be used with methods such as eth_getFilterChanges or eth_uninstallFilter to manage and query the filter.

Use Case

The eth_newPendingTransactionFilter RPC Ethereum method is widely used in decentralized applications (DApps) and monitoring tools to:

  • Track pending transactions in real time.

  • Monitor network activity for transaction patterns or anomalies.

  • Provide dynamic notifications to users about transactions in progress.

For instance, a Web3 application may use the Ethereum eth_newPendingTransactionFilter method to notify users about their pending transactions and update the application state based on transaction status.

Code Example

Here is an eth_newPendingTransactionFilter example of how to query the method using Python and JavaScript:

import requests
import json

# Define the API URL and headers
url = '<ACCESS-TOKEN>/'
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

# Prepare the request data
data = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "eth_newPendingTransactionFilter",
    "params": [],
    "id": ""

# Send the POST request
response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

# Parse the JSON response
response_data = response.json()

# Print the result
print(json.dumps(response_data, indent=4))

Common Errors

When using the eth_newPendingTransactionFilter RPC Ethereum method, the following issues may occur:

  • Invalid URL or ACCESS-TOKEN: Ensure the URL and token are correct and active.

  • Network Connectivity Problems: Verify that the network being queried is reachable and the correct endpoint is being used.

  • eth_newPendingTransactionFilter error: This error may occur if the node does not support filtering or if the request is malformed.

By integrating the Web3 eth_newPendingTransactionFilter method into your application, you can efficiently track transaction activity. Use this core API method to monitor pending transactions and provide a responsive user experience in real time.

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