Example code for the /v1/accounts/{account_hash}/resources json-rpc method. Сomplete guide on how to use /v1/accounts/{account_hash}/resources json-rpc in GetBlock.io Web3 documentation.
limit -
Maximum number of resources to retrieve. Gets default page size if not provided.
ledger_version -
Ledger version. Defaults to latest if not provided.
start -
Optional cursor specifying pagination start. You can call this endpoint once without this parameter, and then use the cursor returned in the X-Aptos-Cursor header in the response.
curl --location --request GET 'https://apt.getblock.io/v1/accounts/0xc20ea5a196c81d8d7aff814aa37f8a5823acffbc4193efd3b2aafc9ef2803255/resources?limit=10'--header 'x-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY'--header 'Content-Type: application/json'