slotUnsubscribe – Solana
The slotUnsubscribe RPC Solana method allows clients to unsubscribe from receiving notifications about processed slots. This method is essential for managing Web3 slotUnsubscribe subscriptions.
The slotUnsubscribe method cancels an existing subscription to slot notifications previously created using slotSubscribe RPC Solana.
It is used to optimize resource consumption by removing unnecessary data streams from applications tracking slot changes.
Supported Networks
integer required: The subscription ID to cancel.
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the unsubscribe request was successful.
Result Format
true: Successfully unsubscribed.
false: Unsubscription failed.
Request Example
API Endpoints
JSON-RPC Request
A successful request returns a confirmation message.
Example Response
In this response:
result: true confirms that the subscription was successfully removed.
Error Handling
Common slotUnsubscribe error scenarios:
Invalid subscription ID: The specified subscription ID does not exist or is already unsubscribed.
Network issues: Problems with the Solana JSON-RPC API endpoints.
Example Error Response
Use Cases
The Solana slotUnsubscribe method is essential for:
Managing real-time blockchain tracking.
Optimizing API request handling.
Efficiently controlling Web3 applications that monitor slot updates.
Reducing unnecessary block or transaction tracking.
Code slotUnsubscribe Example – Web3 Integration
Integration with Web3
By integrating slotUnsubscribe into Solana's Core API, developers can:
Optimize transaction tracking.
Manage Web3 subscriptions efficiently.
Ensure blockchain applications only receive relevant data.
Improve overall application performance by limiting redundant requests.
This method is a critical component of the Core API, allowing developers to handle block updates, transaction tracking, and API requests efficiently.
Last updated