listunspent {disallowed} - Dash

Example code for the listunspent {disallowed} json-rpc method. Сomplete guide on how to use listunspent {disallowed} json-rpc in Web3 documentation.


Minimum Confirmations - number (int)


The minimum number of confirmations the transaction containing an output must have in order to be returned. Use 0 to return outputs from unconfirmed transactions. Default is 1.

Maximum Confirmations - number (int)


The maximum number of confirmations the transaction containing an output may have in order to be returned. Default is 9999999 (~10 million).

Addresses - array


If present, only outputs which pay an address in this array will be returned.

Include Unsafe - bool


Include outputs that are not safe to spend . See description of safe attribute below. Default is true.

Query Options - json


JSON with query options. Available options: - minimumAmount: Minimum value of each UTXO in DASH - maximumAmount: Maximum value of each UTXO in DASH - maximumCount: Maximum number of UTXOs - minimumSumAmount: Minimum sum value of all UTXOs in DASH - cointType: Filter coinTypes as follows: - - 0 = ALL_COINS, - - 1 = ONLY_FULLY_MIXED, - - 2 = ONLY_READY_TO_MIX, - - 3 = ONLY_NONDENOMINATED, - - 4 = ONLY_MASTERNODE_COLLATERAL, - - 5 = ONLY_COINJOIN_COLLATERAL


curl --location --request POST '' 
--header 'x-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--data-raw '{"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "None",
"params": [null, null, [{"name": "address", "type": "string (base58)", "description": ["A P2PKH or P2SH address"], "value": null}], null, null],
"id": ""}'


    "result": "null",
    "id": "",
    "status_code": 405,
    "message": "Method not allowed"

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