minimumLedgerSlot – Solana
The minimumLedgerSlot JSON-RPC method retrieves the lowest slot that a Solana node has information about in its ledger.
The minimumLedgerSlot RPC Solana method is used in Web3 minimumLedgerSlot applications to determine the starting point of available ledger data.
This is essential for tasks that require historical transaction data.
Supported Networks
This method is available on the following API endpoints:
This method does not require any parameters.
The response returns a u64 integer indicating the minimum ledger slot that the Solana node retains in its ledger.
Result Format
u64: The lowest slot number in the ledger.
Request Example
API Endpoints
cURL Example
A successful request returns the minimum ledger slot.
Example Response
In this response:
result: The minimum ledger slot is 1234.
Error Handling
Common minimumLedgerSlot error scenarios:
Network issues: Connectivity problems with the Solana JSON-RPC API endpoints.
Invalid request format: Incorrect JSON structure.
Example Error Response
Use Cases
The Solana minimumLedgerSlot method is useful for:
Historical data retrieval: Determining the earliest available slot.
Blockchain synchronization: Aligning data queries with available ledger history.
Analytics tools: Calculating ledger size and data retention periods.
Code minimumLedgerSlot Example – Web3 Integration
Integration with Web3
By integrating Web3 minimumLedgerSlot into Solana’s Core API, developers can accurately track ledger history, analyze block availability, and ensure compatibility with blockchain applications that depend on historical data.
Last updated