get_random_outputs - Bitcoin Cash

Example code for the get_random_outputs json-rpc method. Сomplete guide on how to use get_random_outputs json-rpc in Web3 documentation.


amounts - array of uint64

Amounts in Atomic Units in an Array.

output_count - uint32

Number of outputs to show for each specified amount in amounts.

confirmed_height_or_depth - int32


Positive values are read as height, negative values are read as depth*, 0 is genesis block. Mix-ins will be selected from the [0..confirmed_height_or_depth] window.

* Depth is calculated from the tip block. Different nodes may have different tip numbers depending on blockchain sync status.


curl --location --request POST '' 
--header 'x-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--data-raw '{"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "get_random_outputs",
"params": {"amounts": [100, 200], "output_count": 2, "confirmed_height_or_depth": -1},
"id": ""}'


    "id": "",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "outputs": {
            "100": [
                    "amount": 100,
                    "global_index": 63491465,
                    "height": 2400148,
                    "public_key": "11e1c823ce6e0c6aecca65917353db4988b53f91f3888ebb84c729927d929e3d",
                    "stack_index": 18560,
                    "unlock_block_or_timestamp": 0,
                    "unlock_time": 0
                    "amount": 100,
                    "global_index": 61165945,
                    "height": 2143330,
                    "public_key": "a4a5b245313d5772bce4fd7d9e7d4d390d6d7a42cf96a7ca2bcc5ec615ab84e9",
                    "stack_index": 18050,
                    "unlock_block_or_timestamp": 0,
                    "unlock_time": 0
            "200": [
                    "amount": 200,
                    "global_index": 63131082,
                    "height": 2350507,
                    "public_key": "53485a8c19eaa4788e6dbd5c455e238699c111e4e4019fb0a53fa955424e6ff1",
                    "stack_index": 16953,
                    "unlock_block_or_timestamp": 0,
                    "unlock_time": 0
                    "amount": 200,
                    "global_index": 57876995,
                    "height": 1955723,
                    "public_key": "96c92f1ca73bd7d8a6e2b6f2bdbbcb15f892cefb4b7c90e0baf9d8f112186e0d",
                    "stack_index": 13438,
                    "unlock_block_or_timestamp": 0,
                    "unlock_time": 0

Last updated

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