getInflationGovernor – Solana
The getInflationGovernor JSON-RPC method retrieves the current inflation governor settings of the Solana blockchain.
The getInflationGovernor RPC Solana method returns details about the blockchain’s inflation governance, including initial and terminal inflation rates, tapering rates, and the percentage allocated to the foundation.
The getInflationGovernor method retrieves the inflation governance parameters of the Solana network. It provides details on inflation scheduling, including initial and terminal rates, annual reductions, and staking reward distribution, allowing developers and validators to understand the network’s long-term economic model.
Supported Networks
This method is accessible through Solana API endpoints:
Optional Parameters
commitment (string): Specifies the finality level of the response.
Request Example
API Endpoints
cURL Example
A successful getInflationGovernor example response returns the inflation governance parameters.
Example Response
Error Handling
Common getInflationGovernor error scenarios:
Network connectivity issues: The request fails due to API unavailability.
Invalid request format: If the request parameters are incorrectly structured.
Node synchronization issues: If the node is not fully synced, it may return outdated inflation values.
Example Error Response
Use Cases
The Solana getInflationGovernor method is essential for:
Validators: Understanding how inflation affects staking rewards.
Blockchain explorers: Displaying real-time inflation parameters.
Web3 applications: Adjusting economic models based on inflation governance.
Analytics platforms: Monitoring inflation trends and economic sustainability.
Code Example – Web3 getInflationGovernor Integration
Integration with Web3
Integrate the getInflationGovernor API with Solana’s Core API to retrieve inflation governance data dynamically. By leveraging JSON-RPC parameters and endpoints, developers can ensure accurate tracking of inflation adjustments, staking rewards, and overall network economics.
Last updated