getProgramAccounts – Solana
The getProgramAccounts JSON-RPC method retrieves all accounts owned by the specified program Pubkey in the Solana blockchain.
The getProgramAccounts RPC Solana method allows developers to query multiple accounts belonging to a specific program Pubkey.
The getProgramAccounts method retrieves all accounts associated with a specific program on the Solana blockchain. It allows developers to efficiently query and filter on-chain data, making it essential for interacting with smart contracts, indexing program-related accounts, and analyzing decentralized application (dApp) states.
Supported Networks
This method is available on the following API endpoints:
Required Parameters
string (required): The Pubkey of the program, provided as a base-58 encoded string.
Optional Parameters
object (optional): A configuration object containing:
commitment (string, optional): Defines the level of finality for the query.
minContextSlot (number, optional): The minimum slot at which the request can be evaluated.
withContext (bool, optional): Wraps the result in an RpcResponse JSON object.
encoding (string, optional): Specifies the encoding format for the returned account data.
Default: json
Supported values: jsonParsed, base58, base64, base64+zstd.
dataSlice (object, optional): Specifies a portion of account data to return.
length (usize): Number of bytes to return.
offset (usize): Byte offset from which to start reading.
filters (array, optional): Allows filtering results using up to 4 filter objects. The resultant accounts must meet all filter criteria.
By default, the response contains an array of JSON objects. If the withContext flag is set, the array is wrapped in an RpcResponse JSON object.
Each result object contains:
pubkey (string): The account Pubkey, base-58 encoded.
account (object):
lamports (u64): Number of lamports assigned to this account.
owner (string): Base-58 encoded Pubkey of the program that owns this account.
data ([string, encoding]|object): Account data, either as encoded binary data or JSON format.
executable (bool): Indicates if the account contains a program.
rentEpoch (u64): The epoch at which this account will next owe rent.
space (u64): The data size of the account.
Request Example
API Endpoints
cURL Example
A successful request returns an array of accounts owned by the specified program Pubkey.
Example Response
Error Handling
Common getProgramAccounts error scenarios:
Invalid Pubkey: If the provided key is incorrectly formatted.
Network errors: Connectivity issues with the Solana JSON-RPC API endpoints.
Malformed request: Incorrectly structured JSON requests.
Example Error Response
Use Cases
The Solana getProgramAccounts method is useful for:
dApp developers: Fetching all accounts managed by a specific program.
Blockchain explorers: Displaying program-related account data efficiently.
Validators and node operators: Monitoring program accounts in real time.
Code getProgramAccounts Example – Web3 Integration
Integration with Web3
By integrating Web3 getProgramAccounts into Solana’s Core API, developers can efficiently track program-owned accounts, retrieve transaction and block details, and optimize decentralized applications. The JSON-RPC request structure allows streamlined account queries, making it an essential tool for Solana-based services.
Last updated